"For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death." Romans 8:2
Spirit of Life Reformed Baptist Church takes its name from Romans 8:2 -
“For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.”
We are a small congregation from many nations trusting to live by His Word and His Spirit, the transformed life that was purchased for us by the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Our church, the family of believers, is based in the heart of a vibrant and colourful part of Bristol. Our congregation come together to worship in one location from many different parts of Bristol both rural and urban.
There are also those who make the journey from other counties as well. We love the fact the word “church” is on our sign board because it speaks of who and what we are.
Scripture conveys God’s heart to us concerning the church and we find that phenomenal. We love that in the church older men are role models to younger men. We love that in the church older women admonish younger women to love their husbands and be homemakers. We love that in the church children are instructed in the way they should go and not in the way they want to go.
Our biblical picture of church is that of a glorious family that belongs to God the Father through Jesus Christ The Son.
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When we gather as His church, under His divine direction, we are truly thankful for His saving grace and immensely privileged to be His hands, His feet, His voice, His church!
His love poured out on our hearts enables us to express our love to Him with hands lifted high in worship and hands extended out to one another in service.We welcome you to visit. We hope that you will encounter the bible’s Grand Subject Jesus Christ amongst us and our prayer as a church is that our daily testimony brings glory to His name.